1. Interesting; all the ‘home’ nations have done well. I think this is the first time for an long time that England topped the table. I wonder how much of this is on the back of the London 2012 legacy? I hope we can compare notes after 2018 when maybe home advantage will put Australia back on top?

    • Hello, Gordon
      I like the dea of us exchanging notes in 2018 🙂
      I think there is a long tail in the home nations’ performance. I thought week two of the games really emphasised this with gold medal performances in gymnastics, diving and boxing.
      The biggest result for me … England netball one pass away from a gold medal game and finish out of the medals.
      As ever, thank you for finding and commenting on the post. I trust you are well.
      best wishes

  2. Don’t mention the netball – it was just too stressful to *really* watch! England have come along way since Delhi in terms of tactics and physicality. I think we need to do more work on shooting under pressure; both Jo Harten and Kadeen Corbin missed quite simple shots under the post but could then sink the most amazing shots moments later. There were too many ‘wrong’ passing decisions; choosing a long risky pass instead of a ‘safe’ short pass.

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