Futurelab and the Neuroscience and Technology Enhanced Education theme team have produced a collaborative report titledĀ Neuroscience and Technology Enhanced Learning (authors Paul Howard-Jones, Bert De Smedt, Michela Ott and Theo van Leeuwen).
The report identifies important themes for consideration including:
- Personalisation
- Individual differences
- Self-regulated learning
- Adaptive educational systems
- Multimodality
- Collaborative learning
- Creativity
The report notes video games are of particular interest in neuroscience investigation and contains a helpful literature review. References cited are:
Badurdeen, S., et al., Nintendo Wii video-gaming ability predicts laparoscopic skill. Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Techniques, 2010. 24(8): p. 1824-1828.
Donchin, E., Video games as research tools – The Space Fortress game. Behavior Research Methods Instruments & Computers, 1995. 27(2): p. 217-223.
Gopher, D., M. Weil, and T. Bareket, Transfer of skill from a computer game trainer to flight. Human Factors, 1994. 36(3): p. 387-405.
Grantcharov, T.P., et al., Impact of hand dominance, gender, and experience with computer games on performance in virtual reality laparoscopy. Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Techniques, 2003. 17(7): p. 1082-1085.
Rosser, J.C., et al., The impact of video games on training surgeons in the 21st century. Archives of Surgery, 2007. 142(2): p. 181-186.
Smith, S., US drones: Inside the tools of modern warfare, in Channel Four News. 2010.
Tsai, C.L. and W.L. Heinrichs, Acquisition of eye-hand coordination skills for videoendoscopic surgery. Journal of American Association Gynecological Laparoscopy, 1994. 1(4): p. S37.
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