The Asian Conference of Computer Science in Sports (ACCSS) is being held at the Japan Institute of Sports Sciences. The third session of the conference comprised four papers and one keynote address. (Reports of a pre-conference workshop here, session one here and session two here.)
Early arrivals:
Takahiro Morishige’s paper on match analysis support of a collegiate men’s basketball team was presented by Hiroo Takahashi. (Hiroo is Takahiro’s Masters’ supervisor.) The paper described the combination of analysis software and iPod Touch to support coach and athlete development.
Kiyoshi Osawa explored the computation of the winning percentage in baseball with reference to the effect of fielder error.
I liked Kiyoshi’s use of animation to locate his paper within the game of baseball. I was very interested in his account of computational complexity. The analysis of the data was enabled by Aida Laboratory at the National Institute of Informatics.
Hyongjun Choi presented his second paper at the conference. This paper presented a cluster analysis of performance data using an artificial intelligence technique. He discussed his use of Kohonen self-organising maps.
The final paper of this session was presented by Nobuyoshi Hirotsu, the chair of this session. Noboyoshi discussed the relationship between data envelopment analysis and sabermetrics in the evaluation of batters in baseball.
The third session of the conference concluded with a keynote demonstration presentation by Hiroshi Inukai on computer games and sports.
Hiroshi provided an overview of the history of computer games in sports and explored the current status of gaming . He noted the opportunities for the programmable physics potential for eSports. He concluded with a discussion of the challenges facing eSport software.
karaoke teacher as well…