Marcus Gillezeau Innovative Ideas Forum 2009: National Library of Australia

The National Library of Australia hosted the Innovative Ideas Forum 2009. I found the Social Networks page of the program fascinating. Items were being added as the forum progressed including SlideShares.
Jan Fullerton opened the NLA Forum and talked about the NLA as an early adoption organisation. She underscored the importance of the Innovative Ideas’ Forum to stimulate creativity and jolt thinking. The Forums have been important NLA staff development resources but they have become a significant open forum too. Jan confirmed that the NLA encourages exploration and has established some boundaries for ‘non catastrophic experience’.  She summarised the content of the 2009 Forum and emphasised the dynamic and increasingly mainstream use of social networks.  She concluded her introduction with a reminder that many NLA users want a ‘traditional experience’ of the Library in addition to the emerging digital relationships.
Warwick Cathro (Assistant Director-General, Resource Sharing and Innovation, NLA) chaired the first session of the Forum. He introduced Marcus Gillezeau as the first speaker. His presentation was entitled “21st Century All-Media Storytelling – The freedoms and challenges of a multi-platform universe“.
Marcus’s presentation told the story of Scorched from November 2003 to March 2009. He shared with the Forum delegates the all-media approach to Scorched and presented a summary video of the production process that has led to an Emmy Awards nomination.
Marcus described the three-month lead into Scorched via YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Flickr. Faux websites were launched to support this approach. He presented examples of this approach from Scorched TV.  The project had a four-year research and development phase that included In the Line of Fire.
Marcus illustrated the all-media approach to Scorched with examples from Cassie Hoffman‘s role in the story (and the influence lonelygirl15 had in Cassie’s emergence).
Marcus noted that social networks were the key to audience engagement in Scorched.
See the Library Labs’ blog of Marcus’s talk here and this post about the development of Cassie’s role here. This post has the questions posed at the end of Marcus’s talk.


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