SCP12: Week 2

The Sport Coaching Pedagogy (#SCP12) unit starts this week at the University of Canberra.
There are 70 participants in the unit. They have a great range of coaching and teaching backgrounds.
The unit has a:

This week I aim to explore the themes of the unit and discuss generic issues in coaching and teaching. I am going to use these images to trigger my discussion.
[slideshare id=11553118&doc=scp1201-120213160139-phpapp02]
In the tutorials for the unit this week I aim to look at personal learning environments and the development of an e-portfolio for each of the participants in the unit.
I think I will use this presentation as a way to start discussion:
[slideshare id=5193834&doc=cloudconnections-100913174128-phpapp02]
One of the opportunities for me on this course is to model in practice some of the ideas I am discussing about coaching, teaching and pedagogy!
Photo Credit

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